(Advertiser Provided HTML):

  • Content must be relevant to the brand to fulfil legitimate interest
  • 600 pix wide
  • Cannot be sent on the same day as a newsletter, unless the newsletter is daily
  • No maximum height, if the height exceeds the view port a scroll bar will automatically be generated
  • All images must be embedded and hosted at the clients end, and links in place in the HTML
  • Always use fixed width within tables, prefer email template to be responsive
  • All static content, no gifs or videos
  • Must be outlook compliant, don’t use vertical align styling
  • Must send subject and pre-header line
  • 3 working day turnaround
  • Always use ALT tags for images
  • File size should be kept under 150KB
  • We will always include a header and footer with unsubscribe/ view in browser links, so client should not provide this. They can include extra footer info such as t&c’s etc.
  • All edits to client html must be done by the client themselves


(Advertiser Provided Images and Copy)

  • Solus emails can also be sent to our audiences using a content-block template, rather than advertiser provided HTML
  • The content-block structure allows third-party advertisement emails to be more fitting with the brand image and enhance customer experience, ultimately improving their trust in the communication they’re receiving
  • We require the advertiser to provide the images, text and information for us to implement into one of two variations of solus email: the standard offering, or the premium offering
  • Headline will explain the email
  • Body text is limited to 200 words, font-size 14px, font-family tahoma
  • Written in the third person (no “I, we, you, us” etc)
  • Must be clear what is being conveyed/sold to our readers
  • Any links within text should be linked on copy text, no urls within the text
  • Sub-sections will be font-size 14px, font-family tahoma


  • Hero image: JPG, PNG, or GIF – 600x300px
  • Title: Plain text
  • Subtitle: Plain text
  • Email body: Plain text
  • CTA: Plain text
  • Advertiser Logo: JPG, PNG, or GIF (max. file size 100kb) – 300x150px


  • Main image: JPG, PNG, or GIF – 600x300px
  • Title: Plain text
  • Subtitle: Plain text
  • Email body: Plain text
    • Slot 1
      • Image: JPG, PNG, or GIF (max. file size 100kb) – 280x280px
      • Title: Plain text
      • Subtitle: Plain text
      • Copy: Plain text
    • Slot 2
      • Image: JPG, PNG, or GIF (max. file size 100kb) – 280x280px
      • Title: Plain text
      • Subtitle: Plain text
      • Copy: Plain text
  • CTA: Plain text
  • Advertiser Logo: JPG, PNG or GIF (max. file size 100kb)


Subject lines are always tested against spam filters to check they won’t land in junk folders. While we are happy to run with subject lines containing spam words if the client wishes to continue, they must be checked with them first. Spam words can affect open rates and the general performance of the email, so it is important the client knows this.

For a list of spam words please view this doc